Saturday, December 17, 2016

Its like letting the Fox guard the ...(white) house?

I normally try and stay away from having my Partisan news handed to me on a silver platter. I always take MSNBC and FOX news on air celebrities opinions with as little value as possible since i realize they are only trying to bash the other side.

But this particular story grabbed my attention.......

It seems that more than a few of Trumps administration picks have direct ties to Fox News.  And I mean DIRECT ties, which seems odd that these qualifications are only offered by these people that all share the same employer.

Now every incoming administration has bills to pay for support they received during the election....but this one really makes my head explode......

Here are a few examples:

Monica Crowley is expected to be named strategic communications director for the National Security Council in the Trump administration. (Regular contributor on the Sean Hannity show)

Fox News host Eric Bolling has discussed the possibility of taking a position in Donald Trump’s administration. The position being discussed is in the Department of Commerce

Ben Carson, has reportedly been offered the Housing and Urban Development job in the cabinet. He's a former Fox News contributor

Scott Brown who has also met with Trump about the VA job apparently, Fox News contributor.  

Laura Ingraham, is being considered for the job of Press Secretary. Fox News contributor.

John Bolton reportedly under consideration for Secretary of State, Fox News contributor.

And we cant forget Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich and Jeanine Pirro all one time Fox News contributors having been previously or recently considered for various roles.

All the while being led by a former TV personality and reality TV star Donald J. Trump. 

What does it all mean? Who the Fuck knows....this has been one big SHIT SHOW since the election!

It reminds me of Back to the Future when Doc Brown looks at Marty and says: 

Dr. Emmett Brown: Then tell me, future boy, who's President of the United States in 1985?
Marty McFly: Ronald Reagan.
Dr. Emmett Brown: Ronald Reagan? The actor?
[chuckles in disbelief]
Dr. Emmett Brown: Then who's vice president? Jerry Lewis?
[rushing out and down a hill toward his laboratory]
Dr. Emmett Brown: I suppose Jane Wyman is the First Lady!
Marty McFly: [following Doc] Whoa. Wait, Doc!
Dr. Emmett Brown: And Jack Benny is secretary of the treasury

You just cant make this shit up!

Now you know why i call this blog the Puzzle Palace...Stay can't get any worse........

Can it?

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Sun of a ..............

Here is a question i would like to pose...

If the sun can produce enough energy to power the solar system and all life on earth for the next 5 billion years,

Then why are we so reluctant as a species to try and harness this energy to power our world?

We all agree its safe/free and unlimited, Don't we?

Are we really that shortsighted to ignore it just because of money?

The technology exists right now to power our homes and cars and businesses, and it will only get more efficient and less expensive.

Cant just as much or more money be made without pumping every last drop of dead vegetation out of the ground?

It may not run out in my lifetime or even my grandchildren's lifetime, but what kind of shape will the planet be in by the time we do?

And electric motors are torque monsters so we will still have cars and motorcycles.

Of course airplanes will still need it and maybe some power plants, (electricity created the modern world) and running out of it will instantly throw us back into the dark ages.....literally! 

 If you would like to see what that would be like may I suggest a TV show....Revolution 

Times change and with it our lives. We don't have steam trains anymore, but we survived. We dont burn as much coal as in the Victorian era and we survived. (in 1914 there were 180,000 coal miners). In 1970 that total dropped to less than 6000....and that was due to mountain top mining, Production increased, but labor dropped dramatically. we survived.

As we transition from oil to solar and wind, the same thing will happen and the benefit is cleaner air and water as a byproduct. No muss, no fuss. Presto!~

But yet, some refuse to believe. Let's assume (incorrectly) that climate change is a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese...As a business man, if I can make the same money or more and employ the same amount of workers or more, then why wouldn't I do it?

And that is the $64,000,000,000 question!

I think its because we have a huge investment in transportation infrastructure that has been built up over the last 100 years to distribute oil and its such a huge amount of money that the oil industry doesn't want to abandon it.  Plus, the money machine feeds the political machine to allow others feel compelled to take the cash and perpetuate their own careers instead of doing whats right.

 This  has nothing to do with politics, but rational thinking. 

 Its not a matter of if we run out of oil, but when.   

Eventually the money and the oil will dry up....literally! 

You don't run out of gas and stall on the side of the highway before pulling over to fill up! 
(pun intended)

So lets not wait until we are parked on the side of the solar system........Empty!