Monday, October 22, 2018

The Disassembling of the United States by the Republican Party or How the West was won without firing a single shot....

All that Red...can there really be that many Republicans?

The political crisis facing the U.S. today is a maelstrom of unintended consequences that have merged like 2 giant storms to form a super-storm of what I perceive will eventually be our undoing.

A fatal flaw in the Constitution, compounded by Gerrymandering at the state level and the Citizens United ruling are to blame.....

FIRST: Every state gets 2 Senators regardless of Population density.
That may have worked in the beginning when the differences in population vs land mass was not that great, but now its out of hand.

A state the size of California has over 30 MILLION residents. Thats equal to the population of Canada...yet only has 2 Senators. 7 states combined from the Upper Northwest region Including Montana and UTAH have roughly the same population density.!!

This means that the less than 30 million Americans have 14 Senators representing them.

So if the 2 California Senators are Democrats, and the 14 other Senators are Republican, you now have an overwhelming majority in the senate voting on issues that only affect a tiny percentage of that states population.

SECONDLY: Throw in Gerrymandering in those 7 states that may actually unfairly skew the representation to be Republican when in fact the majority 'might ' actually be Democratic leaning and this now creates a false sense of representation on National issues. (abortion, gay rights,tax breaks for the wealthy..stacking the Supreme Court....yada yada yada)..Are you starting to see where this is headed?

THIRD:  add in Citizens United and the unlimited spending power of rich lobbyists and Corporations trying to force their will on the voting public and the circle is now complete.

These are 3 things I can guarantee you the original founders of our Country could never foresee or compensate for in the Constitution.

Now add in the fact...(and it is a verifiable fact) That less than 40% of voters pulled the lever for Trump and he only won 3 states with less than 30000 votes and now we see how the Electoral College played a role in favor of the MINORITY party. (another unintended consequence)

The Republican way of life is a Minority in our Country (as I see it)... But, when more people stay home instead of voting the numbers are skewed even more in favor of the Republicans.     Democrats and Liberals are more apt to bitch about an issue than actually solve it...add into that the fact that we need to Fall in Love with our candidates vs the Republican who tend to Fall in Line in order to win and the problem compounds itself.

So the only way to change this is for the Democrats to rise up and win back the Senate, house and Presidency...which actually happened for a minute in 2008...and pass legislation that fixes the problem and restore fairness in the systems. Then if they lose  in the future it will be based on the actual will of the people and not the Greed of a few......