Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Our 8 year nightmare is over.....or is it just getting started?

I am constantly amazed every time I read the first part of that phrase above on Facebook.

I like to think all of my friends on FB are smart and rational people and take the time to seriously consider thier words and deeds.

Until I see that kind of stupid shit, then it makes me wonder about my own life choices!

And with the inauguration only days away, I thought maybe now is a good time to refresh the headlines from 2008  and really analyze this nightmare the last 8 years has been.

All of these will be clickable links to the articles and hopefully you will take the time to read them... After all, don't take my word for any of this.....Challenge me if you think I'm wrong, but link your challenge to some research. I cant debate something you 'made up' or 'think' is true......

These are just a few links to how bad the economy was in 2008, the year President Obama took office. But these issues were bubbling up for years under the Clinton and Bush reigns.

 16 years of deregulation and reduced oversight plus 2 wars paid for on the nations credit card...

And some of you have the unmitigated gall to label the last 8 years as a nightmare?  Were you 10 years old when Obama became President?

Now I know that alot of you think Obamacare is the worst thing in the world...and thats a topic for another conversation, (after the republicans repeal it).

But lets recap the headlines in 2016 shall we:

Auto industry poised for 'bumper' year in 2016 Wall Street Journal

RV industry shipments to remain robust in 2016 RVIA 

Housing industry set for growth next 2 years FORBES magazine

Unemployment reported as 4.9% but feels slightly higher CNBC 

Oil prices currently $53 a barrel NASDAQ 

So unless you live under a rock, there is no way on earth you can say that the last 8 years under Obama have been anything more than a rebound of monumental proportions.

Now I get that there are other influences like Benghazi, pullout of Iraq, terrorism, gun control, birth control and on and on and on..

But, those issues are always going to plague any administration and no one ever gets them right....even Mr. Trump will find this out.

They have been handed an economy that has a shiny new motor thanks to President Obama, unlike the clunker he received from Bush..

So lets just hope the next administration doesn't Fuck it up to badly.

                                                   And that's a fact...JACK!