Saturday, October 14, 2017

"Gents Without  Cents Sense" 
My apologies to the 3 stooges for changing the spelling

"Slowly I turned ... step by step ... inch by inch ..."

A vaudeville skit from the late 20's (Niagara Falls) is being replayed in the White House since the inauguration. 

Since Jan 20th of  2017, Donald J. T-rump has been on a mission to erase President Obama (read 'the black guys') legacy by issuing 49 executive orders culminating in the biggest prize of all..


If the Presidency for Donald J. T-rump was a chocolate Sunday, then this executive order would be the cherry on top.

Everything he has done up to this point is a slow and relentless undoing of the previous administrations actions.

Every Treaty, Every agreement between allies, EVERY executive order is being rewritten or rescinded in an attempt to wipe out Barack Obama's legacy.

This has nothing to do with governing! It has to do with a Racist, misogynist creep of a man wielding power against the majority with an almost mystical perception of legitimacy based on a minority of the countries citizenry. 

If there has ever been a time to rethink the founding fathers ideals of an 'electoral' college it is now!

As useless as an appendix and as deadly if it goes bad, we can now see the outcome of the worst case scenario.

This man has neither the intelligence for the job or the attitude required to fulfill his constitutional obligations,

Him and his Moral Majority lackey..(read Mike Pence) are trying to pit a small fraction of voters into a perceived majority to try and change the very fabric of our Democracy!

Here is a quick definition (and there are many) of Sharia law as stated by the Muslims for Progressive Values of the United States.

(As time went on, people had new questions about new problems. Religious scholars could use Shari’a to try to figure out what people should do. The goal was to try to get as close as possible to what the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) would have said if he were still around.) 

Now, take Prophet Muhammad(PBUH), and substitute Jesus Christ then re-read the statement above.

Sounds a lot like what the moral majority and fellow by the name of Steve Bannon are trying to do.....have you seen the idiot from Alabama Roy Moore that he has recently been able to get on the ballot?

How is it that these people are now able to control our election process? Easy...Citizens United and Gerrymandering!


and if you are wondering how the story of Niagara Falls ends?

A rogue seduced his sweetheart. He trailed the miscreant from town to town, finally catching up with him in Niagara Falls, where he pummeled him mercilessly.

How does it feel to be pummeled mercilessly by the Moral Majority and the Alt Right?

Friday, May 5, 2017

Republicare, Ryancare. Trumpcare, we dont care.......

The Rich Persons All white Chorus conducted by the Great White Trump 
So is this what you imagined our leaders of the United States would look like in 2017? 

I dont think the Truman administration had this many white people in it!

How did we get back to here?

 In my lifetime I have been around for:

Bush/Obama and now this guy.

I have seen Mercury/Gemini/Apollo/Space Shuttle/Rovers on Mars

Civil Rights enacted/Vietnam ended/Moon Landing/ Space Station

3 channels/antenna turners/cable TV/ Atari/satellites/VCR's/DVD's/DVR's/Computers and the internet.

I have seen the twin towers built and destroyed.

But I have never seen a bunch of self righteous, RWF (rich white fuckers) stand around the Rose Garden, led by the Whitest, Richest Fucker  of them all and mock the American citizenry with a take away of a benefit that helps millions of needy Americans. 

How,  after this, can you honestly say America is the greatest country on the planet? 

We are being led down a road of exclusion and division by the Hedge Fund Managers/Wall Street Bankers and Insurance Company Executives that only care about the bottom line.

It has been said that the United States is basically a global insurance company with a Standing Military.

We used to stand for all that was good and right in the world, now all we stand for is Profit.

As Winston Churchill once stated:

 'The Americans will do the right thing...once they have exhausted all of the other possibilities".

Everyone of the people in this photo are either wealthy or close to it and get free health care or can afford to pay for anything they would ever need.

How does that represent the rest of us?  

Forget Science, forget Compassion. forget inclusion........

As you can see  from the lifetime events I listed, I grew up in an age of enlightenment...too bad my grandchildren wont.

They didn't call it the Dark Ages because it was Dark!

Besides the death of my Grandmother, this is the saddest day of my life....

The Death of America, She was a grand old dame.........

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Republican Farm.....

I remember in High School we were required to read Animal Farm by George Orwell.

I have to be honest, I never understood seemed like such a waste of a young teenagers’ time.

Tonight it all made sense......

As I was watching the news and on every channel the Republican Pundits were all calling the repeal and replacement of Obamacare a Repair bill.

HUH? I have been hearing them say repeal..for years, then during the campaign they added replace.

But now that their attempts to push the 'Replace' bill through on the eve of the anniversary of the Obamacare signing...( a Republican created and sponsored bill that stinks so bad that they cant get enough Republicans to actually vote for it), they are now bandying around the term 'REPAIR"

"(animal farm excerpt) It was about this time that the pigs suddenly moved into the farmhouse and took up their residence there. Again the animals seemed to remember that a resolution against this had been passed in the early days, and again Squealer was able to convince them that this was not the case. It was absolutely necessary, he said, that the pigs, who were the brains of the farm, should have a quiet place to work in. It was also more suited to the dignity of the Leader (for of late he had taken to speaking of Napoleon under the title of "Leader") to live in a house than in a mere sty. Nevertheless, some of the animals were disturbed when they heard that the pigs not only took their meals in the kitchen and used the drawing-room as a recreation room, but also slept in the beds. Boxer passed it off as usual with "Napoleon is always right!", but Clover, who thought she remembered a definite ruling against beds, went to the end of the barn and tried to puzzle out the Seven Commandments which were inscribed there. Finding herself unable to read more than individual letters, she fetched Muriel.

"Muriel," she said, "read me the Fourth Commandment. Does it not say something about never sleeping in a bed?"

With some difficulty Muriel spelt it out.

"It says, 'No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets,'" she announced finally.

Curiously enough, Clover had not remembered that the Fourth Commandment mentioned sheets; but as it was there on the wall, it must have been so.

Sound familiar? Repair bill?

That George guy was a pretty smart cookie..........

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Alternative News.....MEME world!

It seems that we no longer display flags on our front porches to show our patriotism. Now we use FB and guilt people into agreeing to some two sentence MEME's that may or may not be accurate, but forces you to choose a side.  

If I choose not to share or like the above MEME, then I must me anti-American and a homeless Vet hater. But, if I like and share this MEME then I can hold my head high and all of my friends will know that I am a true patriot and hate refugees and Starbucks. , just like them........

But what if I care about refugees and like Starbucks and homeless vets? 


I decided to write a blog about it, since this is the only way I can go on a 20 minute RANT without everybody on FB saying/getting butthurt that I must not be a true card carrying, NRA approved Right Wing nut job that loves the United States so much, that I am willing to ignore the Constitution and our own history to keep us pure from the filth that is trying to invade our country one scared woman and child at a time.

WHEW...thats a mouthful..!

Since when did we become a nation of pussies? Our strength is in our ideals that no matter who wants to hurt us, we come together and fight back. 

Part of fighting back is understanding the enemy. 

Starbucks isn't the enemy. This MEME isn't PATRIOTIC. Its IDIOTIC!  

Without going too far off the rails, MEME's are quickly becoming whats wrong with America. They force us to choose a false narrative. You either agree or disagree. Right or Wrong. It dilutes the real issue while creating division, a solid line that you are either on one side of or the other, even when we probably agree on the finer points of the same debate.

NOW, with all of that being said, let's get back to the MEME and discuss why its wrong.

1st. Starbucks has over 26000 outlets in the US. (so that less than 1/2 a refugee per outlet) Great, that should help shorten the wait time in the mornings!

2nd Starbucks has hired 1000's of vets over the years and will continue to hire them in the future. Nowhere in their HR policies does it specifically ban the homeless and vets from applying, in fact it gives vets a priority!

3rd. The same people perpetuating this MEME are the same ones crying about welfare and food stamps and giving people unfair advantages. Okay, so why shouldn't homeless  people and vets pull themselves up by their bootstraps?

(which is really stupid metaphor since if you are on the ground how the hell does that even work?) 

Unless I give you a hand up  (get it?)

Just because I disagree with this, doesnt make me UN-Amreican or not a Patriot. In fact, I would say that Liberals are just as,  if not MORE Patriotic than the Partisan Right since we actually protest about changes to the Consititution and our rights! Not cherry-picking a few that we like, but all of them.

When was the last time you saw a Right Wing protest that didn't have something to do with Abortion or Guns?

MEME's are nothing more than a loyalty test. And not a very good one at that.

I proved my loyalty to the United States of America by holding up my  right hand and swearing to defend this country and served it proudly for 8 years in the ARMY.....and I'm a flag waving liberal!

Thats all the proof you need................

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Our 8 year nightmare is over.....or is it just getting started?

I am constantly amazed every time I read the first part of that phrase above on Facebook.

I like to think all of my friends on FB are smart and rational people and take the time to seriously consider thier words and deeds.

Until I see that kind of stupid shit, then it makes me wonder about my own life choices!

And with the inauguration only days away, I thought maybe now is a good time to refresh the headlines from 2008  and really analyze this nightmare the last 8 years has been.

All of these will be clickable links to the articles and hopefully you will take the time to read them... After all, don't take my word for any of this.....Challenge me if you think I'm wrong, but link your challenge to some research. I cant debate something you 'made up' or 'think' is true......

These are just a few links to how bad the economy was in 2008, the year President Obama took office. But these issues were bubbling up for years under the Clinton and Bush reigns.

 16 years of deregulation and reduced oversight plus 2 wars paid for on the nations credit card...

And some of you have the unmitigated gall to label the last 8 years as a nightmare?  Were you 10 years old when Obama became President?

Now I know that alot of you think Obamacare is the worst thing in the world...and thats a topic for another conversation, (after the republicans repeal it).

But lets recap the headlines in 2016 shall we:

Auto industry poised for 'bumper' year in 2016 Wall Street Journal

RV industry shipments to remain robust in 2016 RVIA 

Housing industry set for growth next 2 years FORBES magazine

Unemployment reported as 4.9% but feels slightly higher CNBC 

Oil prices currently $53 a barrel NASDAQ 

So unless you live under a rock, there is no way on earth you can say that the last 8 years under Obama have been anything more than a rebound of monumental proportions.

Now I get that there are other influences like Benghazi, pullout of Iraq, terrorism, gun control, birth control and on and on and on..

But, those issues are always going to plague any administration and no one ever gets them right....even Mr. Trump will find this out.

They have been handed an economy that has a shiny new motor thanks to President Obama, unlike the clunker he received from Bush..

So lets just hope the next administration doesn't Fuck it up to badly.

                                                   And that's a fact...JACK!