Friday, May 5, 2017

Republicare, Ryancare. Trumpcare, we dont care.......

The Rich Persons All white Chorus conducted by the Great White Trump 
So is this what you imagined our leaders of the United States would look like in 2017? 

I dont think the Truman administration had this many white people in it!

How did we get back to here?

 In my lifetime I have been around for:

Bush/Obama and now this guy.

I have seen Mercury/Gemini/Apollo/Space Shuttle/Rovers on Mars

Civil Rights enacted/Vietnam ended/Moon Landing/ Space Station

3 channels/antenna turners/cable TV/ Atari/satellites/VCR's/DVD's/DVR's/Computers and the internet.

I have seen the twin towers built and destroyed.

But I have never seen a bunch of self righteous, RWF (rich white fuckers) stand around the Rose Garden, led by the Whitest, Richest Fucker  of them all and mock the American citizenry with a take away of a benefit that helps millions of needy Americans. 

How,  after this, can you honestly say America is the greatest country on the planet? 

We are being led down a road of exclusion and division by the Hedge Fund Managers/Wall Street Bankers and Insurance Company Executives that only care about the bottom line.

It has been said that the United States is basically a global insurance company with a Standing Military.

We used to stand for all that was good and right in the world, now all we stand for is Profit.

As Winston Churchill once stated:

 'The Americans will do the right thing...once they have exhausted all of the other possibilities".

Everyone of the people in this photo are either wealthy or close to it and get free health care or can afford to pay for anything they would ever need.

How does that represent the rest of us?  

Forget Science, forget Compassion. forget inclusion........

As you can see  from the lifetime events I listed, I grew up in an age of enlightenment...too bad my grandchildren wont.

They didn't call it the Dark Ages because it was Dark!

Besides the death of my Grandmother, this is the saddest day of my life....

The Death of America, She was a grand old dame.........