Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Alternative News.....MEME world!

It seems that we no longer display flags on our front porches to show our patriotism. Now we use FB and guilt people into agreeing to some two sentence MEME's that may or may not be accurate, but forces you to choose a side.  

If I choose not to share or like the above MEME, then I must me anti-American and a homeless Vet hater. But, if I like and share this MEME then I can hold my head high and all of my friends will know that I am a true patriot and hate refugees and Starbucks. , just like them........

But what if I care about refugees and like Starbucks and homeless vets? 


I decided to write a blog about it, since this is the only way I can go on a 20 minute RANT without everybody on FB saying/getting butthurt that I must not be a true card carrying, NRA approved Right Wing nut job that loves the United States so much, that I am willing to ignore the Constitution and our own history to keep us pure from the filth that is trying to invade our country one scared woman and child at a time.

WHEW...thats a mouthful..!

Since when did we become a nation of pussies? Our strength is in our ideals that no matter who wants to hurt us, we come together and fight back. 

Part of fighting back is understanding the enemy. 

Starbucks isn't the enemy. This MEME isn't PATRIOTIC. Its IDIOTIC!  

Without going too far off the rails, MEME's are quickly becoming whats wrong with America. They force us to choose a false narrative. You either agree or disagree. Right or Wrong. It dilutes the real issue while creating division, a solid line that you are either on one side of or the other, even when we probably agree on the finer points of the same debate.

NOW, with all of that being said, let's get back to the MEME and discuss why its wrong.

1st. Starbucks has over 26000 outlets in the US. (so that less than 1/2 a refugee per outlet) Great, that should help shorten the wait time in the mornings!

2nd Starbucks has hired 1000's of vets over the years and will continue to hire them in the future. Nowhere in their HR policies does it specifically ban the homeless and vets from applying, in fact it gives vets a priority!

3rd. The same people perpetuating this MEME are the same ones crying about welfare and food stamps and giving people unfair advantages. Okay, so why shouldn't homeless  people and vets pull themselves up by their bootstraps?

(which is really stupid metaphor since if you are on the ground how the hell does that even work?) 

Unless I give you a hand up  (get it?)

Just because I disagree with this, doesnt make me UN-Amreican or not a Patriot. In fact, I would say that Liberals are just as,  if not MORE Patriotic than the Partisan Right since we actually protest about changes to the Consititution and our rights! Not cherry-picking a few that we like, but all of them.

When was the last time you saw a Right Wing protest that didn't have something to do with Abortion or Guns?

MEME's are nothing more than a loyalty test. And not a very good one at that.

I proved my loyalty to the United States of America by holding up my  right hand and swearing to defend this country and served it proudly for 8 years in the ARMY.....and I'm a flag waving liberal!

Thats all the proof you need................