Monday, August 19, 2019

The Man in the High Tower..the consequences of living in an Alternate Reality

In this issue of the Puzzle Palace I want to discuss something bizarre and highly unlikely.....NO, its not the Trump administration, however bizarre and unlikely that already is!

I want to discuss an alternative reality, a divergence from our original timeline..when it happened and how things are going there!

It all started the evening of December 11, 2000. The night before the Bush V Gore decision. There was a GEMINID Meteor Shower and a full Moon at the same time! Don't believe me? Check out the link!

NASA Geminid Meteor Shower December 11, 2000

Full Moon in Gemini on Dec 11th 2000

 My theory is as we passed through this, a shift happened in the space/time continuum  and for a split second 2 Earths were created. On the following morning the Earth all of us reading this live on was pushed into a new and disturbing timeline...and we all know what happened and continues to happen.

BUT, in the uninterrupted Earth timeline, the following morning Dec 12, 2000 the Supreme Court ruled in Favor of Gore...(as it rightly should have) and President Al Gore was sworn in on January 21st 2001.

In that timeline the 9-11 bombers were apprehended by the FBI and the Twin Towers are still standing today.

We never went to war with Iraq.....Saddam Hussein was eventually overthrown by his own people and became a Democratic Republic and a member of NATO.

After 8 years of peace and prosperity under a Gore Administration, President Hillary Clinton was elected (the Republicans still offered John Mccain and Sarah Palin...some thing never change) as our 1st female President and after a less than spectacular but quiet 4 years reign,  our current President Barack Obama(serving his 2nd term)  has managed to continue the unparalleled 19 years of peace and prosperity with a balanced budget and low 4 trillion dollar deficit.

The Stock market is over 35000 and un-employment is steady at 2.3 %. Since we never had the Supreme Court stacked with Republican cronies, the 2008 District of Columbia v Heller ruling was not struck down, (keeping the current 138 year old definition of a Militia) and the Assault Weapons ban was renewed and made permanent. Except for Columbine, (which happened in 1999) there has never been a mass shooting on the scale that we see almost weekly on our 'alternate Earth'.

They have reduced greenhouse gasses and carbon emissions to the point where the ice shelves are not melting and the sea level rise seems to be abated......

So if you have stayed with me on this journey and think this is all a fairy tale and preposterous....

Do I need to remind you who the President is today?

A Reality TV/Porn star screwing adulterer that is at best shady in his business dealings and at worst, a lying,  cheating tax evader using his new found power in the most corrosive and corrupted manner ever.

Maybe I have it all wrong, maybe he actually went back in time in a Delorean with a sports history magazine instead...thats just as likely and would've ended up with the same result....

You tell me... which is more plausible?

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