Sunday, January 5, 2020

Dr. Strangelove, or how I learned to love the bomb....

George Carlin once said, My stuffs stuff, your stuffs shit...keep your shit away from my Stuff!

That pretty well sums up how most Americans feel about us vs. the rest of the world.

Or as others have put it...'our shit dont stink'.

As a natural born citizen and honorably discharged veteran, I find it disturbing when people that I know and associate with,  suddenly become these Flag Waving zealots everytime we fire off a couple of cruise missiles and kill bad guys.

I'm not saying they dont deserve it, most of them have gotten away with planning attacks and killing Americans and allies alike unabated. I'm all for taking them off the battlefield. Good riddance I say.

But, if  I push you, and you punch me and then I shoot you....which one of us is really the bad guy now?

That is pretty much how I sum up the problems in the middle east. 

Have you ever noticed how we tiptoe around China and Russia, but yet we bomb everyone else with reckless abandon all  in the name of being right or retaliation for being bombed by them?

Let's get one thing straight. It's never been about getting even..if that was the case, Bush Jr. would have invaded Saudi Arabia! They bombed the twin towers not Iraq...But everyone hated Saddam Hussein and was looking for a way to get him off the world stage....

I'm not suggesting he was a nice guy and didn't deserve his fate, but all we did was take out someone that was able to keep peace between 2 historical enemies, the Sunni and the Kurds. Once we blew that up...LITERALLY, then without that moderating force, we (as in BUSH), strengthened the splinter reform groups that lurked inside of IRAQ that he was able to quash with his hard handed control.....

ISIL originated as Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad in 1999, which pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda and participated in the Iraqi insurgency following the 2003 invasion of Iraq by Western forces at the behest of the United States

Syria is another quagmire we never had any real reason to be involved in...and IRAN....well our history with them starts with us throwing out a (wait for it), a democratically elected President and installing the Shah of Iran! 

WHY?  for the OIL silly, thats why!

Thats right boys and girls, we are the terrorists in once they had enough of his corruption and Mass killing of his people, they overthrew him and installed a cleric and became a religiously ran country and took over the embassy and held hostages until we elected a new President and they were released.  Don't believe me? Click on the link below.

So, lets recap shall we....we created the Islamic Regime of Iran, we helped create ISIS, we are still aiding and abetting Israel to keep killing the Palestinians....(thats another history lesson for another day)...and yet every time we blow something up, we all grab our Flags and cheer while we continue to kill 'our' enemies!

No wonder we need a bigger military than anyone else in the seems to be our very nature to just piss everyone off and then when they decide they have had enough, we send over a few more bombs.....

Its not about who is the President...its about who we are as a people. And it seems to me we just arent very nice people anymore ....sigh 

1 comment:

  1. I had this argument with my dad. He was trying to tell me the US is the best country in the world. I said we are the best at war and foreign interference, but that was about it.
