Saturday, December 12, 2020

Just one more thing......


This will be my final installment of the Puzzle Palace... Enjoy!

Is it just me, or does it seem fitting that Trumps final act as possibly the worst Human ever elected President came down to the Supreme Court telling him to take a flying leap?


The Trump Apprentice White House Clown car will be leaving the White House for the Final time on Jan 20th and frankly it couldn't come any sooner for me.

I have lost friends and family over the last 4 years over this Idiot in Chief, luckily not to COVID-19 but due to a lack of understanding on their part about what the Presidency means and American Civics in General.

His rise to power brought a lot of newbies to politics and that is where the trouble begins.

The unwashed masses of people that voted for him because he hates the same people they do, also unleashed a fear and pent up resentment to the Elite....(of which he is a part of, lest we forget he is a billionaire Capitalist that graduated from Wharton).

He then was able to paint liberals and middle of the road Democrats with that broad brush and his followers ate it up like Crystal meth to a hooker in Oklahoma City!

And since him and they are new to the game, he tried to change all of the rules, bend them, break them, run roughshod over them. He took what was already a fragile, yet still somewhat polite society and turned it in on itself, for his personal gain and greed. Truly a power hungry Cyclops and Bully with a capital B, that used his influence to gain power for powers sake.

And when the 'elite' tried to question his motives, he insulted, ignored, screamed and mocked them at every turn. Like PT Barnum, he kept the center stage, turning Twitter into a MAGA-phone (see what I did there) never seen before.

His followers couldn't get enough! It was the 24 hour Trump show....He hates them and I hate them, so lets just start wearing our hate on our sleeves. We dont have to hide under a white sheet or on a 40 acre farm in the mountains anymore..

We can carry our rifles and drive our Trump Flag adorned  4x4's right down mainstreet and be loud and obnoxious just like him and its okay.... He gets us and we will make sure he stays in power. regardless of how he acts or speaks. Or ultimately, how many true Republicans split the ticket and voted for Joe just to get his slick Willie ass out of the Oval Office.

Other than a big tax cut and undoing everything the black guy created....(Obama). his accomplishments are mainly centered around his being in the spotlight and news cycle 24 hours a day.

He uses a firehose of noise, confusion and outright bold face lies to inflame and embolden his critics and followers alike. If he couldn't live in the moment, he burned it down for the amusement of himself and his audience..

This is what I mean about Civics... Did you know that someone that migrated to America has to take a 20 question test made up of 128 questions in order to become a citizen of our country?

Here is the link. I bet most of you would fail it. Democrat or Republican alike.

We need to get back to what made us great in the first place. It wasn't the 2nd amendment, hell I dont think it was even the 1st amendment. It is a combination of our rights and civil liberties and our compassion and understanding. 

We have always had rich and poor in this country.  we have always had 'elite' and poorly educated. BUT...

We never fought amongst ourselves over who we voted for in the last election. We were always able to meet at the 80% we agreed upon, not be divided by the 20% we didnt. 

Trump has turned it into a negative gain sport,  where its a daily bloodletting of US vs. THEM. Its Comb-over Caligula and Fox News against good people that dont pay close attention. 

So am I glad that Trump and his minions used every dirty trick in the book to try and steal the election from the very people he said were trying to steal it?? 

ABSOLUTELY!  Forcing his nonsensical arguments and his factless noise pollution to the forefront of our collective consciousness only to be dismissed by every court in the land was the moment we needed to begin the healing process.  In most cases the Judges admonished the lawyers for even attempting to bring such garbage before them... and several of the Judges were Trump Appointees!

The only way for us to have closure, and it will take time, is for him to take his high wire act and fall without a net.

You bet, its comforting to see this part of our history come to such a gruesome and convoluted death. To see him and his swamp creature cronies writhe and die under the harsh light of Democracy.... 40 courts including the Supreme Court twice rejected out of hand the lunacy and lying that they were handed by his lawyers in an attempt to bamboozle the Courts into accepting his far fetched plan to remain in power.

He thought he could stack the courts in his favor so they would do his bidding. And in the end it was his undoing, he was served a BIG JUICY BURGER OF DEMOCRACY ON A SESAME SEED CONSTITUTION BUN!

That alone proved to me that America still has guardrails and adults are still able to keep the trains running on time and the will of the people kept sacrosanct. 

You want to know how we stole the election?

WE HAD MORE VOTES! Just like every other election ever held in this country. Not by running and crying to every court in the land that it must be some giant conspiracy... Dont forget, that would involve 1000's of God fearing, Good old fashioned your neighbors and friends....Can you believe for one second that many people could keep a secret?

To quote Sherlock Holmes: When you have eliminated the impossiblewhatever remainshowever improbable, must be the truth.

Or the bouncer at my old nightclub:
You dont have to go home...but you cant stay here..


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